Beware of the onslaught of pictures from the weekend which just passed.
(Also, prepare for an overdose of my face in this entry haha)

So together with 3 very lovely people, we spent a few hours last Sunday shooting for the first ever AiClay's tutorial which will be published online soon in the near future. It is a collaboration between AiClay and Happy Academy (the latter is an uber exciting venture headed by Daniel but more concrete details will be up only later!).

One of the most popular requests I've had from you guys, is to put up tutorials which all of you overseas can purchase and learn miniature food sculpting from, without having to attend my workshop in person. And it's always been in the back of my mind, but days passed, then months and, no surprises there due to crazy procrastination powers I managed to sit on my laurels for this project. :(

BUT remember what I said about increasing my accountability and hence seeing projects through by working with other people (read my brually honest entry if you haven't!)? In this case it has worked beautifully, and finally I have at least STARTED! To start is half the battle won, to me. :)
Of course, I'll have to thank Dan again (aka the one who inspired the afore-mentioned entry). He has this wonderful gift of getting people right for the job together and making things happen. I'm constantly learning from his go-getter attitude in life and business. :)

I want to thank Jet, Nas and Jack as well, for sparing the time and helping me in all the ways they did! Like being super patient when I do a NG take, holding lighting equipment at cramp-inducing angles, or squatting in front of me just out of the camera's view, to pass me the burger and cake stand (see photo above haha).
Plus, I also want to thank Tofu for generously providing such a lovely filming location! I fell in love with so many of your furniture and various knick-knacks!

I've had the honour of filming for interviews and features by media, but last Sunday was a pretty different experience!
While the media features usually had a show-and-tell segment, they were definitely not filming as intensely on the steps and materials/tools required. But of course, creating a detailed demonstration was the primary objective of the online tutorial shoot. And so, hours passed as I sat and sculpted in front of the camera, while at times twisting my hands in weird positions to 'favor the camera' (new filming lingo learnt from Nas! It means to show the camera what I'm doing and not block it, I think?). And then there were also different angles being shot, wide shots of me walking to the pasta machine, close-up shots of my fingers etc.

And how can I forget my pretty shaky attempts at doing opening and closing clips for the tutorial. Guess it's pretty normal for people to speed through their script when they're nervous, but not only was I speaking like a bullet-train, I was also cutting lines out from the script at the same time subconsciously. That means my opening/closing speeches grew shorter and shorter with every take lol.
To all would-be-buyers of the tutorial, please try not to laugh too hard at me. Well, we might be including some out-takes in the tutorial, so feel free to laugh at THAT.
Also, no prizes for guessing what the first tutorial was about, I brought in the real deal and the heavy-ass cake stand. I also brought a miniature cake stand for the miniature burger! They looked so adorable together. :)
Phew, that's one long entry.
Till next time!
(I might be bringing pizza ;))
P.S Please subscribe to AiMail to receive updates when the online tutorials are launched!
P.S Please subscribe to AiMail to receive updates when the online tutorials are launched!
J!! Thanks for this really fun entry. You really captured the spirit and camaraderie we enjoyed on Sunday. Love the photos.
ReplyDeleteNevermind about favouring the camera cos I think the camera favours you. You look great in the playbacks!
Can't wait for the final product. Doing the VO should be another fun experience. And then onwards with Tu Tu Kueh!
Remember, every small lil action step takes us closer to achieving our goals, and eventually, our dreams. :)