Such a beautiful Monday.
I managed to drag my lazy self to run this morning, and received
wonderful news later in the day. I'll reveal it at the end of the post.
For now, here's a
miniature bread basket I made for one of my workshops. If you'll like to learn to make your own, do contact me at! :)
Hot cross buns studded with juicy raisins.
Freshly sliced crispy baguette.
Croissants drizzled with rich chocolate sauce.

As for the good news, here it is.
I will be travelling to Hokkaido, Japan in 2 weeks! It is an extremely last minute decision, and I am beyond excited! It will also be my first time travelling with my grandparents without my parents, definitely going to cherish the time with them! :)
Just look at what came up on Google images when I searched
'Hokkaido in summer'.
Can you blame me for being overly-ecstatic?? :)