Monday, October 22, 2012

Spooky Halloween is here! { lolly cookie }

Hello! ♥ 

So I've been gone for a while now, if you follow me on twitter/facebook you'll know what I've been busy with! I'll elaborate more about that in the next post, but here's a photo to give you a clue. ;)

So I've been getting many emails asking for miniature food tutorials and videos etc. And that's definitely a project I'm working on! Yes, I know I say that always and the to-do list is just horrendously long now. :(

But in the meantime, here's a little how-to in the spirit (PUN INTENDED!) of halloween. I actually adapted them from the real life frosting methods, so you can use them for your real baking as well! Just substitute black clay with fondant for the itsy bitsy spiders. 

Enjoy and do share photos if you make them! :)