Sunday, December 12, 2010

Putting the red in christmas.

You will be seeing red in this entry - the festive type, not the angry kind (I hope). :) 

It's 2 weeks to the jolly season of the bearded old man, Rudolph and gingerbread. And trees strung with pretty lights of course. What can I say, I've been heavily influenced by the omnipresent commercialism of the season.

Elp! I've got weird red dots growing on my palm! 

Oh wait, it's just the miniature drupulets for the raspberries I'm sculpting. This was a lot funnier when I imagined blogging about it, in the dead of the night rolling those drupulets. Ahem.

Each raspberry is about 0.2cm in length.

 Cupcakes, naked without their papers.

Cupcakes are 0.8cm at top diameter, and 0.6cm at bottom diameter.
A basket of naked cupcakes. 

I think I've found my blogging style, it's 'stating the obvious'. I'm so boring when I blog after sleeping hours, it's not even funny. :(

I'm sparing you all the pain by ending it here. 

And in keeping in line with my blogging style, here is what I call - can of raspberries spilled with spoon at side.


  1. lol I think we all have a tendency to make crazy posts in the dead of the night :)

  2. Your raspberries are wonderful! And personally I am a big fan of dead of night posts...they are often the most fun to read! =D

  3. I am amazed by these raspberries. I had to check twice that they were miniatures.

    fabulous, fabulous work.

  4. Your raspberries are FANTASTIC! Great work.

  5. I just can't believe how amazing you are. Seriously talented. I'm in awe.

  6. and I can't believe all these comments! You guys have really made my day and all that drupulet-rolling worth it. :D and Deborah, lots more dead of night posts coming up! :)

  7. Beautiful raspberries! Unbelievably realistic. Great work.

  8. Thank you girls! :) I'm gonna keep all these comments in mind the next time I start rolling the energy-zapping process of rolling drupulets again. :D
