Sunday, April 18, 2010

Deja vu.

Why, you may ask, am I talking about sandwiches again?

(okay maybe the first question might be why did I even ask this riddle, which totally fell FLAT.)

Well, I found it only befitting since I just shoved down a ham-lettuce-sandwich for breakfast just a few minutes ago. That, and the simple fact that these are the only new photos I have in my AiClay folder.

And no, this ain't just one of the sandwiches here
This sandwich is actually scaled down about 3 times, and measures at around 1cm in length. 

Long silence. 

Wow, I think I've exhausted everything I wanted to say about sandwiches. 

Sometimes I think I take too many photos of one single subject. No?

Now you see it.

Now you don't. 

(Okay fine fine, you still do.)

The following series of photographs is titled 'Lunchbag swallows sandwich'.

I'm starting to fall in love with paper crafts. 

There is something numbingly satisfying about folding, cutting, scoring and pasting.
And then repeating the whole cycle over and over again.

A full grocery bag, packed with AiClay purchases.

I feel like I owe all of you readers for just getting through my awkwardly written posts.

I think I would present a tutorial for miniature grocery bags next, how about that? 

I know they sound awfully simple to make (which they are actually). 
But hopefully there are some tips that I can still pass on to you guys.

Till the next entry! :)