Do you own a dollhouse?
Or did you used to, but it's now abandoned and packed away in a dusty old box? Or given to a younger relative. Or maybe chucked away since long ago.
When I was still in my primary school years, my parents would bring me to Toys R Us on special days, and I would always head straight for the Sylvanian family section. Such a stubborn little girl I was, as I didn't want to waste any time playing with other toys. I was in awe of the little animal families, complete with their houses, furniture and clothing.
During one of the major school examinations, I did particularly well and my mommy promised me a present. Guess what I chose. A Sylvanian dollhouse of course! I was all smiles on the car ride home, the tiny me sitting beside the huge box.
Today, that same dollhouse (well-played with and much dustier) still sits in my room.
The one pictured below, is not that. But it's my adult dollhouse, if I may say so. :)
I bought it from the lovely Whims for my birthday this year, and it is actually my first actual online splurge.
It is a dollhouse for a dollhouse, and fits comfortably in my palm.
and extremely pretty!

And I was so delighted when I realised that Whims included an itsy bitsy grandfather clock!
(sorry for the slight off-focus, it is really too tiny!)
Whimsy's works are extraordinary, just like her customer service. I was throughly impressed. :)
Thank you, Whims!
Please visit her site for more of her works - Whimsy Cottage Minis